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Marketing and Lead Gen Lab

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1. Introduction

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Marketing and Lead Gen Lab

Clicking any of the Marketing and Lead Gen Lab sessions below will display and play it in the monitor above.

Disclaimer: Product prices quoted in recordings are subject to change without notice. If you have any questions please contact your Business Development Consultant at 800-341-9918

1. Introduction

2. Customer Avatar

3. Discovering Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition

4. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

5. Pulling your Marketing List and Finding Phone Numbers

6. Writing Killer Copy

7. From Blank Slate to Lead Gen with WIX

8. Optimizing Your WIX Page Using SEO

9. Driving Traffic to Your Website with Google Adwords

10. Marketing with Facebook

11. Using Craigslist

12. Dealing With Major Hurdles

13. AHA Moments

14. Using CRMs

15. Benefits of the Membership Site



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