Except for John’s product.
By default a Need To Fulfill note / email is sent to [email protected].
There are some product notifications that are sent to other staff members.
All Online Orders
Applies the Need To Fulfill tag and note.
Sales Entry --- You do not have to apply a note template or tag when using the Sales Entry
There two types of products
Product name Need to Fulfill
This will apply the Need To Fulfill tag and note.
Product name Fulfilled
This will not apply the Need To Fulfill tag, it will apply the Fulfilled tag.
Use these two note templates if there is a situation when the Sales Enter or online order is not used:
Purchased_Fulfilled note templates
Use this when you have given the hard copy item to the customer.
Purchase_Need_to_Fulfill note templates
Use this when you did NOT give the hard copy item to the customer and hard copy item has to be sent to the customer.
This note template will apply the Need To Fulfill tag.
Need To Fulfill Tag Category
You should only have to search for the Need To Fulfill tag to find out what still needs to be Fulfilled.
You can put a widget on your dash board to keep track. See the instruction for dashboard wedges
Fulfilled Note Templates -- used for one or two customers
The Fulfilled note template removes the Need to Fulfill tag and applies a Fulfilled tag .
Fulfilling tag category -- used for multiple customers
This will mass remove the Need To Fulfill tag, apply the Fulfilled note and tag