A Year in Review

Wow.   2017 was amazing!   Here at the offices of the Lee Arnold System of Real Estate, we relocated into a larger building, broke company records, ushered so many amazing people into our world from all over the country, helped thousands of people, opened a new area of study (the Master Lien Abatement Course), […]

Real Value

How do you determine the value of a house? The REAL value.  To start, the house is not valued at what you originally paid for the property. You can have it professionally assessed and pull comps to determine an approximate value–comparable homes with the same size, age, lot size, amenities, etc. in the neighborhood that have […]

You Can Be Great

I talk a lot about overcoming procrastination, facing your fears, time management, and using proper motivation to kick start your dreams. All of these factors are vital to the success of your business, your work, and your life in general. In fact, these provided resources (such any previous blog posts that are free and easy […]