Failing Forward

  Before we start today, I want to say a deeply heartfelt word of thanks to all of our Veterans. Thank you for bravely doing what God called you to do so we can safely do what we’re free to do.   If you know a service man or woman, past or present, please honor […]

The Gospel of Bad Experience

Raise your hand if this sounds familiar:   You’re in the market for a new car but can’t decide on the make and model, so you ask around. “Oh, don’t get that make,” says someone about your first choice, “those cars are notorious for transmission problems.” So you take their word for it without researching […]

Balancing the Seasons

  We’re fast approaching the holiday season, in case you haven’t seen the store displays and the commercials that seem to come on earlier each year. When October hits, it can be full force ahead for some families. Where you had spare time before to call leads, you’re now busy purchasing Halloween costumes, and before […]