5 Reasons you aren’t getting any realistic offers (or any offers at all)
5 Reasons you aren’t getting any realistic offers (or any offers at all)
Over the years, I have had countless clients and consulting students remark that they want to be an entrepreneur. They want to be the CEO of their own business, make all the decisions, and immediately reap all the benefits. But I’m here to tell you… It’s not that easy. The journey of an entrepreneur is […]
New Year goals suck! Find out why most people fall short of accomplishing their goals and how to actually get them checked off your list.
Ask Me Anything We help people succeed every day. I’m so committed to watching you quit your dead-end job in favor of being your own boss that I’ve poured my reputation into it. I want to help you make so much money that you pay more in taxes then you’ve ever MADE before. Okay, so […]
They Want What?! Understanding Core Motivations Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “What the HECK are they thinking?” Of course you have. And not understanding the motivations behind what people do doesn’t just keep you wondering, it could be losing your profits. If you could better understand the motivations of others (especially when […]
Ultimate Guide To Funding Part 2 We’re talking about funding! Whether you’re a seasoned investor or you’re looking for your first deal, understanding your private money loads is fundamental for to your success. We don’t want you to do anything that would jeopardize your deals when you are flipping houses for profit, and understanding your […]
Ultimate Guide to Funding Part 1 Private money loans are nothing new; they are simply the transaction between people who have money and those they are loaning it to. Private money loans create a direct path from the lender to the borrower, eliminating all the hoops involved in conventional bank lending. A private lender looks […]
Understanding the Triangle of Lending THE BORROWER, THE LENDER, THE BROKER To understand private money brokering you need to understand relationships among the three key roles, why they are involved in private money lending and some key characteristics that can help you find likely prospects. In a nutshell, we are talking about someone who needs […]
The Untapped Resource You’ve Always Wanted Don’t Be Fooled by What You Think You Know You must be an efficient manager for your properties if you’re going to be a successful investor, but equally important, you need to secure a trusted source of financing. Less money down equals more deals, more equity, more net […]
Have We Been Looking at it All Wrong? Is “Pushing Beyond Your Comfort Zone” Overrated? If you’re under the impression that you’ll have to crawl through a grueling parade of discomfort just to taste the smallest victory, you may have taken some well-intentioned advice too literally. “Push yourself beyond your comfort zone” is a […]